Well everyone knows what horse sense is, right? Practical, useful common sense. I don't have that. I have random thoughts that go at odd angles to reality. I also have 3 donkeys(Marie, Tessla & Kanemura) that I've somehow managed to tame and train and turn into affectionate, reasonably obedient pets. So I decided that what I have is not horse sense, but donkey sense.I have no idea what I'll be writing about on this blog. I figure I'll start with talking about my donkeys. And my goats, cats, husband, etc... But who knows what else might turn up.
As you may have noticed a big beautiful Andalusian gelding turned up. :-)
I suffer from severe anxiety, depression and a rare sleep disorder that make it impossible for me to hold down a regular job. If you enjoy reading my blog and/or looking at my pictures and would like to make a donation, I would greatly appreciate it.